Frequently Asked Questions

How is WTK9 different?

How is WTK9 different?

Frequently Asked QuestionsI have tried trainers in the past. How are you different? All trainers and training programs are not created equal. Over the years we have tried many different training approaches and training environments. By doing this we have been able to...

What does a day in the life at West Tennessee K9 look like?

What does a day in the life at West Tennessee K9 look like?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat does a day in the life at West Tennessee K9 - Nashville look like? Every dog is housed indoors. They are heated and cooled, around the clock. Your pup is let outside every couple of hours, when not training, into a private 5x10, covered...

Is There a Guarantee?

Is There a Guarantee?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat if the training doesn’t work? Is there a guarantee? There are so many variables involved to create a well balanced, calm, obedient dog that it would be unethical for us to offer a 100% training guarantee. However, we do offer unlimited,...

Who will work with my dog?

Who will work with my dog?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWho will work with my dog?       We have an amazing staff here at West Tennessee K9 - Nashville. Each staff member has been hand picked, and trained be Terry. No matter the position held, everyone is trained to, and handles the...

Will I get to see my dog?

Will I get to see my dog?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWill I get to see my dog? A large part of the training philosophy is, what I call, Immersion. It is important that we can control every aspect of your pup’s life while they are with us. If you think about it, relative to your pup’s life...

Do we use treats?

Do we use treats?

Frequently Asked Questions Do we use treats? YES!!! 98% of the training is reward based. If you use nothing but correction and discipline the dogs will work only out of fear of correction. Always in fear is no way for anyone or anything to live. We want the dogs to be...

Why Prong Collars?

Why Prong Collars?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy Prong Collars? Prong collars are a very good training tool and if used properly do not harm the dog. If you have ever walked a hard puller on a leash you know how hard it is to correct. The amount of force you have to use on their necks...

Why Ecollars?

Why Ecollars?

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy Ecollars? An Ecollar is just another tool in the training toolbox. You absolutely do not need to have an E-collar to train your dog. It is a personal choice.   The basic way the collars are used is very low level stim that feels like a...

How do you handle fearful dogs?

How do you handle fearful dogs?

Frequently Asked Questions How do you handle fearful dogs? By far, we get more fearful dogs that any other problem. Fearful dogs can be a challenge if not handled correctly. Often times people confuse fearful behavior with rebellious defiant behavior. Fearful dogs are...